Tree NetWork with MaTLab

This MATLAB script is a simple GUI tool for data clusterization operations


The package includes various examples with networks with 12 and up to 300 nodes.


MATLAB 7.6 or higher
CPU and memory requirements strongly dependent on network size

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This JavaScript plugin will help create and offer XML feeds to subscribers, or to internal use


Each feed can have images and text attached to it.

To activate any combination to be displayed (the script actually determines what is shown based on what is completed in the XML file), simply update the appropriate fields in the XML file.

An XML file can be edited and saved with a text editor such as Notepad.

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This is a JavaScript HTML-Form encryption plugin


It encrypts the POST/GET-data that will be sent to the server when a user submits a form.

It encrypts the data on the client (JavaScript) with the public key algorithm of RSA and decrypts in on the server with PHP.

It uses the Multiple-precision and Barrett modular reduction libraries for the calculations and jQuery for the rest.

Here are some key features of it :

* RSA form data encryption up to 2048 bit
* AjaxSubmit supported
* No SSL required
* Easy to install, use and extend
* Doesn¡ t block the browser on calculations


- JavaScript enabled on client side
- PHP 4, 5 or Higher

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License : OpenSource

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